How it works
Fist of all you need to: 1- Register as a member 2- Email Photo Id document to: ex: Driver License, Passport Photo page with a document showing your current address 3- Wait for confirmation
Register Attach DocumentsSTEPS
We will be launching a Crypto Token with an initial launch of 0000000 per month increasing every month with the same amount provided we secured an investment portfolio to warrant the monthly increase, until we reach a supply of Token of 00000000 (the Target)
Your initial Investment is $xxx. you could increase once we start posting a specific investment opportunity and you are satisfied with it to a maximum of $sss per person (i.e xxxx Token)
Buy a Crypto Token (name and where to buy will be revealed later)
Sale of Token is restricted to members and their families. Membership is free until we start the process, once we launch the projects membership will be xx per person after the first year
You will benefit from growth of pooled money . The value of your Token will increase, the more we invest the more will be the value of your investment. You will also earn rewards for the activities you refer to out partners in their respective Business.
Lending & Financing
Return on Investment (growth of funds and the compounding effect
Real Estate Referrals
Credit cards
property management
Renovations in addition to
Services we will launch that are complimentary
Your investment is secured by the Investments we acquire
Your info will be be stored in cold storage wallet.
we will issue a Wallet to store yor password
your investment is liquid any time you decide to sell, hence
Minimum risk compared to other investments

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